Ever since Sanjay Dutt had been sentenced and sent away to jail, the film fraternity is acting as if some subversion of justice had occured and an innocent has been made a fall guy. There is a talk of candle light vigil, protests, support, appeals, etc. Those indulging in this shrill cacaphony include the 'patriotism monopolists' like Shatrughan Sinha and 'Champions of secularism' like Mahesh Bhatt.
In this context, I would like to refresh the memory of some of my age who had seen emergency days and enlighten youngsters, who were too young at that time or were not even born, to the persona of Late Mrs. Snehalata Reddy and what happened to her.
Snehalata Reddy was a very sensitive artiste and wife of a sensitive director late Mr.Pattabhirama Reddy. Both had acquired international fame with their movies like 'Samskara'. Basically they belonged to the upper crust of the society solely immersed in creativity of the highest order with thier own political beliefs.
Despite their political beliefs and association with people like George Fernandez and other socialists, both the Reddys were law abiding, did not dabble with terrorism or befriend objectionable and potential plotters of mayhem and assassins of the innocent.
During emergency, when fundamental rights were abrogated and the Hon'ble courts held that there is no right to life enshrined in the constitution, there was an arrest warrant pending against George Fernandez who was underground. On the mere suspicion that Snehalata Reddy sheltered Fernandez, she was arrested and put in jail. No formal case nor any trial.
Her health was frail. She was not a hardened criminal to take the vagaries of jail life in her stride. (It may be worthwhile to recollect here that the likes of Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia and Maharani of Jaipur were kept in death row cells.) Such was the vindictiveness. Her health steadily deteriorated. She was released without a case almost on the day she breathed her last.
Now, let us juxtapose this episode in our national shame with that of Sanjay Dutt's. Sanjay Dutt had cases booked against him. He was afforded a long drawn trial during which time for nearly 90% of the time he went about his life nonchalently. He had a very fair and upright judge who was quite lenient to him. Even while sentensing him, the judge showed his sympathy due to a mis-guided but dangerous-to-society youth. Sanjay Dutt still has further avenue open to him. Due process of law has been ensured and is being ensursed. His crime is such that except for a Presidential pardon, he cannot be condoned without subverting the law.
What happened to Snehalata Reddy? No chargesheet. No trial. No bail. No privileges but an accelerated death given with the heavy hand of a tyrant. Where was the film fraternity then? Where were these secularists and apologists of criminals? Where are they even today? Do they recollect her name or are they too embarassed to be bothered? Will they hold a candle light vigil on her death day now?
one word-MISA
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