The other day while I was passing on the tank bund, I saw a commotion. One shirtless youngman was rushing towards the railing trailed by a battery of video/still photographers. He then sat on the railing and was talking to the microphones. My vehicle moved on. Next day I saw a news-item with a good-sized photo in the papers that a person claiming to be the head of an outfitcalled Rahul Priyanka Brigade attempted suicide in protest against the behaviour of opposition parties. The photo showed two expert swimmers with lifebuoys holding our leader.
Now this was nothing but a fraud. The plunger, the rescuers, the mediamen all knew that what is being enacted is a drama and were willing participants whether under the influence of power or pelf.
I would suggest a few don'ts for the print as well as visual media:-
1) Do not participate in sham events.
2) Do not cover events which result in traffic chaos.
3) Do not cover events which are obscurant superstitions are depicted.
4) Do not cover events depicting violence especially on women and children; evev enacted ones.
5) Do not show visuals showing damaging of private/public property during the course of demonstrations/protests.
6) Do not show victims of violence or traffic accidents on close-ups in gory detail.
Our society has degenerated enough. Media should not accelerate the process.
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