The other day it was shown on a Telugu channel the feed that was being given to two prized bulls of Ongole breed in Andhra Pradesh. The proud owner was shown feeding dozens of eggs, kgs of fish and meat topping it all with beer! The bulls were being force fed by hands thrust down their throats. They are not eating naturally. They have been shown to be kept in comfortable surroundings inside the four walls with air-coolers, mattresses,etc. The preening wife of the farmer gushed that he takes better care of the bulls than the family.
I read somewhere that mad-cow disease originated with feeding the livestock with the remains of cows after culling them to human needs. If I am wrong, some reader may kindly correct me.
I was disturbed by the scene itself and the repeated airing by the channel. This may goad others to imitate.
Now the species in question as I understood till now are herbivorious and feeding them animal products may be like taking banned steroids to grow muscles. If humans are thus protected by law against consuming harmful substances, why the animals are not protected and who will protect them?
I would like to draw the attention of Blue Cross/SPCA/other NGOs and animal lovers like Mrs.Maneka Gandhi and Mrs.Amala to ponder over. I dont know whether this is an accepted practice and my noise is childish.
Do animals have the right to graze peacefully in their natural habitat with some extra bio products like fodder, bran, etc. supplementing or they do not? Do they need beer?
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