Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Mr. Antulay's speech is on the records of Lok Sabha. Its video footage is also there. His comments to media outside parliament has been aired. What is said on the floor of the house cannot be critisized outside. He also has certain privileges as an MP most important of which is to freely articulate his views. Even if he is attempting to exonorate Pakistan.

But the question is, whether it is tenable for the PM to keep him in the cabinet after his public statement that he stands by what he said. He is entitled to his views and parliament is the right forum for him to speak out. But after Cong Spokesman publicly distanced the Party, he should resign, not only from the cabinet but from the Party too.

A rare consensus was building up. There was a united show of resolve. Politicians were wilting under public rage. Now this had to happen. Doubts about the integrity of police brass is attempted to be sown. Pakistan is given a handle. A national disaster is tuned into a petty squabble.

Probably only Indians are capable of this. But are we Indians? Or we are Hindus, Muslims, north Indians, South Indians, Biharis and Tamils. We may be one country. Are we one Nation? Sounds familiar. we are going back to pre-independence days.

Not only Mr.Antulay's continuance in the Cabinet is untenable, but the continuance of the Ministry for minority Affairs, itself is repugnant to the unity of minds and the nation.

UPA Chairperson and the PM should seriously ponder over the implications, fallout and repurcussions to India's case on Mumbai Carnage and act in the best interests of the country.

Opposition will do well to preserve the facade of Unity by cooperating with the ruling coalition as they did in supporting the legislations introduced today. God save our country.


1 comment:

Navin said...

Mr.Antulay's comments were disgusting, to say the least. Politicians in India dont fear the power of a common man. They know that they can get away with anything and do just as fine as now.
Sometimes, the problem lies with us, the "aam-admi". I guess we need to rethink the way we let these politicians loose.

I cannot digest the speech Manmohan Singh gave to the nation after the Mumbai Massacre. Compare that to the speech Pres. Bush gave after 9/11. Dr.Manmohan's speech was the most boring, dispassionate and aweful speech that only made things worse for the psyche of an Indian.

The unfortunate thing is we,as Indians, are proud only because of our history and culture. There are very few contemperory things that we can be proud of as a nation.

How many Nobel Prizes have we got?
What is the level of our infrastructure?
Why do we let countries like Pakistan dictate terms? (Remember what Israel does with Palestine)
Whats the say we have in the UN as the second most populous country?

Where does our economy feed on the economies of so-called first world countries? should it not be the other way considering the size of our population?

So many questions to work on..

Our ancestors have given us an opportunity to be proud of our history. Its time we return the favor to your kids.