Yesterday during a chat with the Anchor of TV9, Mr,Ram Gopal Varma, made an interesting confession. That it is beyond him to understand why politicians go to voters and request them to give a chance to ‘serve’ them. The riddle is, why people request to ‘serve’.
What is there in ‘serving’ to make them spend crores, undertake gruelling tours, use and face muscle power with every possibility of not being accepted by the voters to ‘serve’ them.
It is indeed puzzling. This urge to serve.
For example, Nehru was a great man, chosen heir of Gandhi. He went on and on serving the people till his death for which he had to regularly beg the voters of Phulphur to give him the chance. As a logical derivation, he could not have served the country without wriggling out the privilege at Phulphur nor did he serve the country before advent of independence and elections.
Also some families dedicate their sisters, brothers, progeny, distant relations and coming generations to this sacred cause of ‘serving’ the people. There is the example of one venerable gentleman serving the country for decades and has already placed the services of two sons, one nephew at the disposal of country and reports suggest that he is requesting the mighty high command to allow his daughter also to serve.
People found new political parties if they don’t get the chance to ‘serve’ from their present party. Even new States are sought to be created because they were sidelined by their bosses.
No wonder Gokhale foresaw all this and founded the Servants of India Society. Must be either chuckling at his joke or uneasily turning in his grave.
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