Today’s TOI has given thumbnail sketches of 10 man-made ecological disasters in the context of recent oil spill off American coast. These can be read at the following link.
Knowing the consequences, due to lure of money or populism or vested interests or plain callousness, we continue to perpetuate ecological disasters through simple actions like throwing plastic to very serious actions like permitting import of surgical waste.
Yesterdat TV9 reported that by planting imported Australian ‘Thumma’ saplings over thousands of hectares in Tirupati hill ranges, we have wiped out ethnic flora and bio-diversity has been stamped out and as these trees have a life span of only 35 to 40 years, shortly these hills will be barren rocks with no support to the ecological balance. Environmentalists and botanists have to study the veracity of this report and, if true, come up with long term solutions.
Government should take urgent action to bring legislation to totally eliminate or atleast severely regulate the following for example.
. Ship breaking.
. Import of dangerous waste/scrap into the country.
. Quick plantation of only local varieties of greenery wherever plantation takes place. Advise of local Tribals should be followed.
. Stop distribution of exoitic varieties of cattle and instead distribute local breeds though may be less productive.
. Strict and regular audit of radioactive materials.
. Compulsory use of jute/cotton bags in place of plastic.
The alarm bells have been ringing. These should not become tolling of disasters. Let us all wake up.
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