Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Man, The Slave of Machine

It had been predicted by some sci-fi writers that man will eventually become the slave of the machine created by himself. I think to some extent this has already become true.

Today while travelling or in company, people do not talk to each other but to the mobile phone and if they are not talking to it, they are fiddling with it.

Those possessing computers interact only with computers all their waking hours. They have no time even for their normal biological needs like eating, sleeping, etc.

Those possessing bikes/cars are so obsessed with them they think/dream only bikes/cars and its next model.

There are no human emotions except in Soaps on TV.

Information is to be assessed only from a machine and not from a fellow human being as the machine is reliable and the human is not.

Even train announcements are made by machines with that mechanical dis-jointed voice with no modulation. Machine language!

People cannot do without remote whether it is TV or curtains or window glasses. Human hand cannot perform fundamental functions.

Even conceiving is more and more in the machine mode rather than natural with so many avoiding the bother of marriage and preferring single parenthood.

The child to be born or to be aborted is also decided by the machine. They think for us.

Owner's Pride and Neighbour's Envy is only about a Machine!

Doctors do not feel the pulse they scan.

The empire has already struck back!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excilient!!!! a true peice of work... very logical and beautifuly writen... simple, logical and effective...