Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Did Freedom Ensure a Better Welfare State?

Times have changed. Education and Health were totally in public domain and the responsibility of creation, maintenance and operation of the institutions for these were Government's responsibility except for a few mission schools/colleges or Mission Hospitals.

Today both these vital sectors have been privatised. The results are there for all to see. The quality of education that the haves afford and get are totally out of reach of the have nots. Likewise the government hospitals to which alone poor have access, are over-burdened, Doctors more inclined towards private practice, infrastructure either inadequate or in shambles. My experience has been that in one of the most-reputed teaching hospitals in India, the blood bank is never operational but all around it, scores of pathological labs flourish where the donor has to pay to bleed. It is no secret that these are owned by the doctors of that Teaching Hospital.

The next casuality is water. This natural resource, about which future wars are predicted, have been privatised covertly and overtly. Whether for drinking or irrigation, the poor are at the mercy of the water mafia. The Water Users' Associations in AP are in fact the fiefdoms of the most powerful muscleman of that area.

Roads, bridges and other public utilities are also being privatised in the guise of BOT.

Where will this end? To what extent the abdication of responsibility towards ensuring a welfare state will proceed?

Despite what we read in history books, I am doubtful whether the British - company ruled or crown ruled - were such villains as made out. East India Company commissioned Max Mueller to bring Rig Veda as a publication at its cost! Was this commercial interest? Laying of rail lines in farthest nook and corners without any reasons of commercial profit or stratagic need in those days. I am confused.

The business of any government is to govern and not manufacture of sub-standard things or cheap liquor.

Will we go back to our concept of welfare state? It is not impossible. In Britain, we still see medical facilities provided by the state. Why is the state slowly retreating from each of its responsibilities gradually but surely. Is this to promote so called NGOs and Private hands?

Where lies the remedy? Where will the under-privileged go?


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