Friday, February 26, 2010

United Voice of Telangana

The most important step in the fight for achieving separate Telangana is the formation of Joint Action Committee, an umbrella forum, consisting of almost all the political parties, non-political organizations representing interests like students, Government employees, Caste Groups, etc. This was formed at the initiative of a leading TRS and Congress functionary each . During its formative stage itself, several hiccups were noticed, which is but natural, like, (a) Nomination of a non-political compromise candidate as its Convener; (b) Decision to convene its meetings at neutral venues like Hotels rather than at the TRS Party building; (c) Initial hesitation of TDP in joining JAC etc. One of the first acts of the JAC was administering an oath to all its Constituents that they will set aside their party affiliations, flags, separate agendas, but strive unitedly under the aegis of this JAC till the goal is reached.

Today what do we see?

Congress has decided to disassociate from the JAC without leaving it. They are forming their own Committee.

All the MLAs and MPs resign in such a way that only one resignation was found to be in order.

After the Srikrishna committee’s terms of reference are announced, TRS MLAs resign without consulting the JAC. They have now been accepted.

TRS and other party MPs decide not to press their resignations which are already rejected.

After JAC’s dictat, Only two Congress and one PRP MLAs resign which are rejected by the Hon’ble Speaker. TDP MLAs submit their resignations not to the Speaker but to the Convener of JAC with riders. Out of 2 BJP MLAs, the Leader does not resign but the other MLA resigns due to ‘communication gap’ which has been promptly accepted.

Ministers decide to continue in office.

One of the decisions of the JAC is that the vacancies caused by resignations will be contested only by the resignee so that he/she can be re-elected unanimously. Now Congress has announced it will contest these vacancies in byelections which makes others crying foul.

The leader of a important constituent of JAC is heckled and pelted with water bottles when he tries to address a meeting.He represents an oppressed community

Some more suicides have taken place from impoverished sections.


1 comment:

chaitanya said...

This time movement went to the roots of telangana region,people in villages/towns are under impression that if seperate telangana forms every one will get job opoortunities and can surivive independently.
so many innocent students commiting sucide.. excited minds will take extreme steps,this is what happening now in telangana region..