Saturday, March 14, 2009

Importance of Precise Information and Feedback

Communication is not an easy matter. As we all know that communication is coloured by our bias, perception, culture, language, etc etc. Today the tools for communication have made such technological strides, that real time communication is a matter of fact. But alas, there is a distressing deterioration in the faculties of the communicator/listner that the whole effort becomes not only waste but counter-productive.

Today there is none without a cell phone. So you would expect good connectivity. But it is not so. I miss the days when a phone was a mere phone and nothing else. Today you try contacting someone, he is busy listening to music. More than the medium the promptness of response and content of message is more important and this is what is missing.

Again the habit of giving feedback is vanishing leading to presumptions and assumptions which more often than not go awry. Especially when there is a change in the plans.

Merely possessing a technological marvel is not enough. One (transmitter as well as listner) should possess common sense, empathy to others' feelings and needs, sense of context,capacity to go to the heart of the matter without missing essential details, brevity, without which communication is distorted.

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