Monday, October 15, 2007

Faith and Way of Life

Theists follow different faiths. Faith may be crudely described as that attribute in an individual who believes in an Almighty who is omnipotent and omnipresent and rever and fear that super-power. Major faiths like Hinduism, Christianity,Budhism, Islam are in existence - some for thousands of years and some for hundreds. There have been later faiths like Sikhism, Jainism, etc. offshoots of existing faiths. Apart from these, there have been cults like Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj,Puttaparti Saibaba Worship, Nirankari, etc. in India and many abroad, which cannot be classified as separate faiths. Many faiths and cults have come up due to the process of reformation that was attempted by enlightened souls and a few by certain charismatic individuals aggrandising themselves. These faiths/cults have not only been giving spiritual solace but also dictating the way of life - as an individul and as a part of society.

But, the question today is whether faith should continue to dictate the way of life in our changed times which changes were not foreseen by the 'seers' of yore. No doubt some acceptance to change has crept in like rejection of 'Varna Ashrama Dharma' in Hinduism, that the world is spherical and not flat in Christianity, etc. But there are innumerable aspects of our life, individually and collectively, in all faiths which are still dictated by faith quite irrationally and followed to letter.

Especially in the context of Secularism and Pluralism, where modern organs of State follow certain precepts which should ideally be sweepingly uniform irrespective of the faiths of individuals, which should reign supreme, the article of faith or the injunction of the State?

We have been and are facing religious intolerance. Not only between two religious but of intra-religious variety too. Examples could be between Vaishnavites and Saivites within Hinduism during medivial times, between Roman Catholics and Protestants, between Shias and Sunnis, etc. If we analyse the differences which cause this friction, we can easily discern that the reasons are certain practices or due to fight for hagaemony (of power and/or pelf). Rarely, they are for spiritual reasons.

Today the consequences of inter/intra-religious intolerance have reached disastrous proportions. It is time to ponder and separate way of life from faith because the most visible trigger is the way of life and and not the spiritual espousal. A person who has the spiritual wisdom and goes through the scriptures himself, will always accept pluralism. It is only those who impose their tyranny on the masses, with a particular way of life, which is the most visible symbol, do not accept pluralism. In a country like India, if pluralism is not inculcated and tolerated, we are doomed.

The State has a responsibility in this and should exercise its might in discharging this responsibility.


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