Thursday, March 24, 2011

Land & Water

Israel, the tiny nation with just 70 lakh population and 400 km long and 120 km wide land is a vibrant economy despite a poor annual rainfall of 550 cm. But the nation's economy thrives on agriculture and horticulture exports and is a highly developed country with the state of the art technology adopted in all sectors including Agriculture. Water is the most precious commodity and is used judiciously by farmers and others. The government itself would determine the quantum of water required for an agricultural or horticultural farm and supply the same. Filthy and used water was treated and reused for farming purpose and not for human consumption.

Land in Israel is owned totally by the government and is allotted as per requirement on a lease basis.

On a recent visit to US, I have come to understand that in this country, nobody is permitted to have a borewell, even on his own land/house, and water is available only through public distribution system. Land use is also subject to stringent scrutiny and regulations and the pristine beauty of nature is painstakingly preserved even while development takes place. Urban forestry, natural parks, massive green cover on either sides of the highways are regular features. While driving through the heart of the town of Auburn, we used to come across several animals like deer, ant-eaters, wild cats, etc. The changing colors of the foliage during fall was a sight to behold.

Just compare this with the conditions in India. Indiscriminate shrinkage of forest cover. Vanishing water bodies, old canals and drains. Quarrying at will. Whole hillocks have vanished. Sand mining at will. People bore wells to great depths depriving water to less privileged neighbors. Private players raking in money due to water woes. In a small village called Kumarapuram In Pithapuram Mandal of East Godavari District of Andhra, a huge and majestic pond called Jaggaih Cheruvu has been converted for housing and the only other source of irrigation, Thammiah Cheruvu is proposed to be taken over for water supply to Pithapuram Town. What will happen to farming in this village and to those hundreds depending on farming is anybody's guess.

Why our Governments permit such indiscriminate exploitation of land, water, hills, rivers for private profit makers like realtors, industry, business interests knowing fully well that we are tampering with nature only to deprive the well being of future generations for today's profit is depressing to ponder. Not only Governments are permitting this but they are themselves indulging in this vandalism on a massive scale.

Ever since Independence, people like Nehru, who could influence the policy and had the mandate to implement good governance and bring about change for the good , had been visiting counties like US and must have seen with their own eyes the benevolent and eco-friendly policies and practices there but allowed things to drift towards disaster in India. Was this not to prevent rocking the electoral boat by stepping on the feudal interests who have captured most of the posts in elected bodies and decided policies solely aimed at their continued hold on land and water resources? We amended our constitution to insert the the word 'Socialist' and US is a self-confessed Capitalistic country. What an irony?


1 comment:


Most of the rulers are "Laloo Prasad yadavs".

Instead of learning Lessons from Israel, our Congress-Govt. hates Israel and hugs Arabs, just to appease the Muslims within the Country for the same of their Votes.

God only save this nation.