At a crucial juncture, with the SriKrishna Commission report barely a month away, Andhra Pradesh is rudderless. Neither the 'High Command' nor the ruling party at the state level has any clue nor wherewithal to to instil discipline in its members to face the looming ominous dangers staring at the State.
Political games are being enacted by the Congress people with churlish delight in deriding and checkmating adversaries within their fold. Opposition parties including the TDP are pathetically left out of action. They simply do not exist.
It is disgusting and immoral to call the conglomeration of individuals now technically in power in Andhra, a Party. They are disparate individuals hankering for power, money, caste appeasement and regional considerations.
One prominent MP appeals to the designate-CM to do 'justice' to Kamma Caste in ministry formation and an energetic CM replies with just one berth for this Caste vis-a-vis 14 for Reddys. There is another first-time Minister who is raising a private army to 'defend' the people of his region in Hyderabad and what sort of a oath he has taken is really intriguing.
Most old timers are ashamed of the portfolio given to them. A serious rethinking about our Constitution is called for as even the Prime Minister is unable (what to talk of a Chief Minister) to decide who will be in his ministry and who will get what portfolio.
How long this circus will last? What is the fate of this state? What about its development? A state that sends 42 MPs has just one Urban Development Ministry at the centre. Not a single economic ministry - not just now, always.
There is nothing called Andhra any more. Most of the Ministers were unable to pronounce Telugu properly while taking oath. I am sure nobody would have been dressed in typical telugu dress. The very basis for formation of this state does not exist anymore. People talk of Telangana, Nizam State, Seema-Andhra, Coastal Andhra, Kalinga-Andhra, Rayalaseema, Greater-Rayalaseema, etc.
It may not be a bad idea to split the state on these lines and merge teem with contiguous states. This will definitely meet the aspirations of a majority of so-called leaders who refuse to break bread with their co-linguists.
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