Today's "The Hindu" has a news item "Fatwa' canceling 'nikah' after joke on Skype sparks debate".
Without going into the right and wrong of the issue raised and the fatwa issued, I will confine myself solely the way "The Hindu" handled this human tragedy.
Firstly, The Hindu did not opine on this subject. They may yet come out with a stand espousing their convictions.
Secondly, the way this was reported, the Correspondent is more worried about the young Quatari facing the prospect of his marriage being terminated than the plight of his wife facing divorce and marriage (hardly willing under the circumstances) to another person for no fault of hers.
Thirdly, is it not sexist to emphasise the dilemma of the man while maintaining deafening silence on the plight of woman? So much for gender justice..
I will be utterly disappointed if the paper chooses to remain silent given its secular and progressive credentials
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