Monday, February 22, 2010

Disturbing trend

Why do people commit suicide? Is it due to reaching one’s tether end? We can understand people taking this extreme step in a fit of emotion triggered by a particular incident. We can also understand this in the context of intense personal grief or loss of face. But suicide for a public cause? For trivial issues?

Recent trend amongst the younger generation shows that they are very poorly prepared to bear hardships and disappointments. Also there is the tendency not to face reality and willing to forego their desires, even small ones.

Students dying in hostels due to fear of poor performance in studies, extreme ragging, jilted affairs have become common place.

Psychiatrists could attribute this tendency to various reasons. They are the specialists. To my lay mind the following appear to contribute this disturbing social ill

a) Extinction of joint/extended families. In such families importance to children, outwardly minimal, resulted in less ego in them. Ego is the reason for many homicidal tendencies. Also there was the influence of grand parents in reining in the parents and children. There is the possibility of continuing certain values and the scope to find solace on one shoulder or the other.

b) Crumbling family values.

c) Stress in parents and children resulting in frequent outbursts.

d) Present day rat race leaving little scope for the children to savor their childhood.

e) Perceived inequalities – everyone wants everything (wants not needs) irrespective of their means to achieve it.

f) Criminalisation of mind at an early age due to over-emphasis bordering on hero worship of crimes on TV and movies.

g) Even the present day architecture of houses which leaves little elbow room and privacy leading to frequent friction.

h) Uncertainity about their future.

Recreation, leisure, travel, visiting, games, spirituality, etc could alleviate this evil to a great extent. But where is the opportunity? Or time for the children?

One disturbing trend in the tragic spate of suicides in the context of present day turmoil in AP is that, without exception, they are all simple, from poor economic and rural background and mostly from weaker communities. And highly impressionable. Not a person from affluent sections. None from political class. Is it because their future is assured? Are these children cynical and practical in the sure knowledge that they are princes-in-waiting?


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