Saturday, June 27, 2009


According to the Indian system of time division (calander) the bench marks are Year (samvatsaram), Ayanam (Uttarayanam/Dakshinayanam), Season (Rithu), Masam (Month), Paksham (Shukla Paksham/Krishna Paksham), Thithi (date - Padyami, Vidiya, Thadiya, etc). Exact time at a given point is fixed then according to the prevailing star (Nakshtram). It is significant to note that there is no day (Sunday/Monday, etc).

In our epics. where there is mention of a particular event like birth of Rama or Krishna, there is no mention of varam (day). In the ancient inscriptions also there is no mention of day.

It is my conjucture that this system of naming a day after celestal bodies is imported from west either through visitors are invaders. Will somebody clarify this? How come Indian names and English names exactly tally?

If it is a fact that there is no Sunday/Monday in Indian system, then what is this good day or bad day? Many people believe that certain things should be done only on certain days and certain things should notbe done. For example, a daughter is not sent from her maternal home to her married home on Fridays. How valid is this?

Also astronomy says sun is a star. Astrology is based on the presumption that sun is a planet. How can calculations based on such wrong premise go right? Will some knowledgable person throw some light on this too.


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