Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Small Men Big Shoes

Terrorism is serious business. The safety and security of the Nation and its people are ever vulnerable. The need of the hour is to close ranks and project a single-minded determination and sense of purpose to the enemy.

This is neither the time nor the excuse to play to gallery for petty ends like votes. If this applies to Antulay and Karunanidhi, it equally applies to Modi too.

When our government is struggling to marshall world opinion against terrorism in general and Mumbai attacks in particular, off-the-cuff reference to alleged internal assistance gives a handle to the enemy. Pakistan gleefully grabbed it. Chidambaram is right in chiding him.

Modi is occupying a very responsible position and not unlike any ordinary citizen, any information he has should be shared with appropriate authority and not the gallery or the media. If he is speculating, he should avoid same, as his utterances need to be given due importance.

He is reputed to be a go getter and is said to have wroght wonders in administering Gujarat and in its development. But any day, he cannot win a popularity contest. He should stick to his strengths and avoid his weaknesses. He should remember that he is yet to get an American visa despite trying.

Mimicking is no excuse. Sagacity and statesmanship are needed.


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