St.Bernadette is said to have died 122 years ago in Lourdes, France and was buried; her body was only discovered 30 years ago. After church officials decided to examine it they thay are supposed to have discovered Her body is still fresh until today and if one goes to Lourdes , France one can see in the church in Lourdes. Her body isn't decomposing because during her lifetime, the mother of Jesus is said to appear to her and give messages and advice to all mankind on the right way to live on this earth. Many miracles are said to have taken place in this place of Lourdes and belif is, still do until today.
For the believers, this establishes the presence of divine force, even if it eludes the grasp of scientists as of now. Modern scientists have open mind to investigate such phenomenan if allowed. A similar such (of Xavier , I believe,) church displaying the demised saint's body, from which blood still oozes on certain auspicious days, exists in Goa, India.
Scientists are baffled (did they have access to the body?) because this defies the laws of nature. Instead of a foul smell of a dead body, a fragrance of flowers is said to be experienced when the coffin is opened. Some say they have experienced this by just being near to the coffin. One can visit the Church of Lourdes, France to verify the authenticity of this and to see a living(?) miracle of our times provided the body is available for scientific scrutiny and not shrouded in mumbo jumbo.
We dont know whether it is power of divinity or power of technology. There is one more body,that of Lenin preserved in Kermlin, Moscow. Nothing divinity about it atleast. In Srirangam Temple, India, the body of Saint Ramanujacharya is on display hundreds of years after his death. In Mangalagiri temple near Guntur, AP, India, exactly half the panakam (jaggery water) poured into the mouth of the idol is gurgled out. Tears flow from the statue of Mary at Lourdes, France. Sunrays fall exactly on the idol's feet on Radhasaptami Day at Suyanarayanaswamy temple, Arasavilli, Srikakulam, AP, India. There are thousands of such miracles attributed to various places/persons in all religions.
I, personally, am sceptical. Laws of nature can be overcome, like defying gravity, only through science/technology. From times immemorial certain wisemen harnessed superior knowledge to impress lay people in matters of religion which is nothing but subjugation into belief. May be with the good intention of ushering in discipline and social order. However, I dont pass judgement. True spirituality needs no proof other than one's own adherance to truth and righteousness.
There are ther minor miracles attributed to human beings like producings watches, gold coins, ashes, etc from thin air. Rationalists routinely demonstrate that these can be performed by anyone with some practice. But it is a fact that nobody produces an object that cannot be held in a palm e.g. a football or a pumpkin.
One thing is there for all to see. These miracles have no tangible value whatsoever. They dont quench thirst nor sate hunger. I am yet to hear about a miracle where rice or wheat or any edible stuff is miraculously generated freeing the needy from hunger. A dead body throwing fragrence has no meaning to a hungry mouth. Does it stop wars? Does it prevent frauds, murders, crimes?
But yes it is a miracle. It sustains local economy. It encourages tourism and generates economic activity.
The bigger miracle is people believe in miracles.
"The bigger miracle is people believe in miracles."
cool thought
that line is extremely insightful
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