Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It was quite entertaining to watch the slanging matching between the two principal characters of Indian politics. Clearly, Mayavati bested Sonia Gandhi. Round one to Behenji.

I dont know what answer Sonia Gandhi has to the poser of Maya as to what development the Nehru family has done to the Rae Bareilli, Amethi, Sultanpur areas. She should come out with her clear-cut reply instead of indulging in dramatics.

UP in ganeral and this area in particular prides itself in producing only Prime Ministers and very little else. This is no fault of Sonia Gandhi. Many industries were set up by the Centre in Sultanpur-Jagdishpur belt by the centre during Rajiv Gandhi's time like BHEL, ITI, etc. I believe almost all of them closed down due to one reason or the other.

Sidharth Reddy, wherever he is, who was nursing these areas during Rajiv Gandhi's time, should stand up and speak now.

Charan Singh's attempt to send Indira Gandhi to jail turned the tide for her. Let us see how Maya can influence the fortunes of Sonia Gandhi.

I would also like to know whether ICF and RCF, BEML, the three present coach building units are working to their optimum capacity. Will the media investigate this? BSP members should elicit this information in parliament.

Mayavati is offering land in more backward areas of UP. What is the response?

Now Sonia Gandhi has been refused permission to address a rally from a particular place in MP too. Will she offer to go to jail there too?

One-upmanship is not the prerogative of one individual or a family.

Let us hope we will have some more entertainment from these two ladies, both of whom are of PM material.


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