Sunday, September 28, 2008


There can be no two opinions about the fact that human life is more important than any religious belief. Also there can be no doubt about the freedom of choice for an individual to profess a faith of his/her choice.

In the context of present religious strife being witnessed in Orissa, Karnataka and on a minor scale in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, I would like to pose a few questions.

1) Why conversion?

2) Why foreign missionaries? What is their Mission?

3) Why have whole civilizations vanished? What happened to Red Indians? What happened to the Aborgines of Australia? What happened to Africa? Not only civilizations, whole populations vanished and the little left are forced live on reserves like animals. Why?

4) Why do we hear the names of only Malayalees as Missionaries in place after place in Orissa, MP, Rajastan and other northern states? Are indigenous christians not christian enough?

5) What is meant by the "Harvest of Souls" as prescribed by Pope Benedict?

6) From the earliest Inquisitions and Crusades to later Holocaust which religion wiped out populations on grounds of faith alone?

7) Why are there no Missionaries in Saudi Arabia? Are American soldiers enough to emancipate Saudis?

8) Our Constitution guarantees Right to propogation of one's religion. Is this licence to abuse other religions from the pulpit?

9) One question to Secularists - Bibile states that a mother who delivers a female child is ten times dirtier than a mother delivering a male child? Can they elaborate on this and explain the reasons?

10) Years ago I read a report in American press that a mother pinned down her 3 year daughter to faciliatate sex by a grown up man in return for money to buy drugs for which she was craving. This may be an aberration. And the western society doesn't lack any aberrations. But, why don't Indian Missionaries go there and emancipate Americans? In many European countries women are exhibited in glass show cases for prospective customers to choose and have sex. This is perfectly legal there. Do Missionaries consider this not worthy of their attention? Is emancipation of simple tribal folk of Orissa more important.

11) Seculiarists would like us to believe that conversions are voluntary and due to oppression in the name of Caste. Then why have whole religions and civilizations vanished in the Americas, Africa, Australia? Did Varna ashrama dharma exist there too?

12) Just by conversion if the oppressed break their shackles, why demand SC/ST status after conversion?

13) Please see the matrimonial columns in any Newspaper. Christians invariably mention their caste and seek alliance from same caste. Why? How has conversion helped them?

14) Why do the egalitarian christians fight amongst themselves on caste/denomination lines in matters of running church affairs, preaching, language of church, control over finances and even for burial of the dead? Why is the cemetry too a bone of contention? What happened to equality before their God? Even in death?

15) Christians jealously guard control of the educational institutions managed by them and brook no state interference. However, the students are predominently non-christian and they charge disproportionately huge fees on them. Why not reserve all seats for Christians and give education to all poor Christians? Why not make 100% admissions into Loyala College from amongst Christians only.

16) Is the present turmoil due to advent of elite corporate schools and colleges imparting quality education thus depriving the monopoly enjoyed by Christian educational institutions and divesting them of huge revenue?

Is it not the duty of every Indian to think that all religions are equal and every road leads to same destination. Is it not the duty of Atheists and Secularists to take a lead and propogate this.


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