Friday, June 27, 2008

Fellow Travellers of India

Communism is extinct except for a few pockets and such pockets are in India too. Russia, the mother of red revolution, has long given up communism; and China, the next nurturer, has also given it up except in name. For our comrades, who are now basking in their blackmailing clout disproportionate to their strength or popularity, the game is to prolong their existence even while remaining on ventilator. But, the pity is that they are the ventilator to the present dispsnsation. They bully, threaten and cajole small parties like DMK, RJD, LJP, NCP, SP, etc who in turn, turn the screws on Congress.

Now the Communists whose mouth foams at communalism, have given away their game in warning a wavering SP about losing muslim votes if they support the nuclear deal. Communists have themselves lost the muslim vote in WB after Singur.

It is ironic that muslims should be perceived to prefer 'kafir' communists as their saviours. In TN this role is played by Atheist DMK.

I expect Congress and BJP to show maturity and recognise that the days of single pary rule are really over and unshakle themselsves from the tyranny of motley groups and rather work together in carrying forward those issues which they commonly believe in.

Such a statesmanship on the part of these two major players will be in the intrests of our country and enhance its prestige and clout internally and on international fora. For a party that swears by Bharata Mata, BJP should set aside partisan thinking and publicly declare yhat it will not bring a no confidence motion if a nuke deal is gone through.

Giving boot to caste/religious groups along with the reds will be an extra bonus.


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