The passing comments of our Hon'bleMP Sri Undavilli Arun Kumar during the course of a discussion have not been understood in thier right and only perspective. This is due lack of knowledge about nuances of any language (in telugu this is called 'nudikaaram'). There was nothing derogaratory when he reportedly said "unfortunately Ambedkar wrote a constitution....". It is only a figure of speech (speech not to be confused with a politician's verbose)and such usage is very common being of positive connatation and not negative.
Ambedkar, being the erudite scholar that he was, must be squirming uncomfortably wherever he is, at the ignorance and childishness of his so called fans. I will not call them followers because they hardly know about his ideals.
Here I would draw Mr.Undavilli Arun Kumar's attention to one fact i.e Dr.Ambedkar was the chairman of the drafting committee and there were several sub-committees for different subjects. It was the marathon and stupendous efforts put in by these sub-committees that gave shape to our constitution. If one goes through the record of deliberations of these sub-committees and of the Constitudnt Assembly there are innumerble occassions where Dr.Ambedkar's proposals were voted out or Dr.Ambedkar's opposition overruled. The magnanimity of Dr.Ambedkar was that, as the Law Minister he piloted the final dreaft as a whole though it hardly reflected his personal views on many many counts. That is a lesson to learn to respect majority in democracy.
We should also not forget the contribution of Sir B.N.Rao who was the Member-Secretary of all these committees and who guided the memebers. WE should also not forgete that our constitution is 80% Government of India Act promulgated by the British.
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