Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Andhra MPs

Gurazada Appa Rao famously said that "Our fellows are a Useless Lot". The exact telugu idiom used by him may be treated as unparliamentary and breach of privileges if applied to our Hon'ble MPs. But will it be off the mark?

Krishnam Raju, who was a BJP MP and a MOS in Vajpayee Ministry finally joined PRP. The reason attributed him is "He cannot do anything for the state remaining in BJP".
Does he feel BJP is anti coastal Andhra given its staunch pro-Telengana stance? Is that why Pendem Dora Babu, one of the 2 to be elected on BJP ticket in last elections, left BJP to join Congress?

Pallam Raju, MP from Kakinada and MOS in MMS Ministry candidly admitted he could not deliver Kakinada-Pithapuram line, a sanctioned project mooted 60 years ago and cannot do it as long as Lalu Prasad is the Railway Minister. Pallamraju Did not elaborate why Lalu is against it but is so vexed with his Cabinet colleague’s indifference that he had commented in the media that only a new Railway Minister might concede the long-pending demand.

Though dawning of wisdom is better late than never, it is more than a coincidence that these gentlemen became wiser after enjoying power and position to its full in their respective tenures.

Except for Valluri Basava Raju, who commanded respect for his erudition and oratary skills, and Vadde Shobanadeeswara Rao to some extent I dont think any other MP from AP commanded any respect nay recognition in Delhi. This is uniformly applicable cutting across party lines. Is this due to the unique DNA of Andhras who have the crab trait.

Anyway BJP owes an explanation to Andhras on Krishnam Raju's reasoning.Mere contradiction will not do. Bandaru Dattatreya, who himself was MOS Railways should react or confess.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Security for God

My late friend Sandur, also known as 'brown saheb' used to say

"Some wisemen created God and gave Him all the virtues, and exhorted their fellow men to rever, fear, worship and emulate Him."

How good this world will be if everybody treats himself as God and behaves exactly as he/she expects Him to be.

Probably this is the meaning of the saying "Aham Brahmasmi".

Whether man created God or not, he created a lot of wealth, assets, procedures, rituals, dangers and more importantly rival Gods for Him.

Hence, the need for security for God.

See what happened at Ayodhya. Deliberate inaction by security brought down an antiquated structure whether you call it a temple or mosque. Now see the paradox, a vigilent security keeps the present taurpaulin structure intact.

All temples, churches, mosques,synogogues, etc. so called abodes of peace, need the khakis to keep them peaceful.

I extract a recent news report:

"NEW DELHI: • A leading Christian organisation that manages India’s busiest churches is shopping for a “complete security package”. It held talks with a visiting high-level Israeli security delegation earlier this week."

I think God is very kind to the security business in these days of recession and slump. So God deserves the best security to keep the businesses of God and the Security booming.

Am I being irreverant or factual?


Monday, March 16, 2009

I am reproducing below a news item frm The Hindu 17.3.2009.

Vatican-appointed exorcist for capital
A. Joseph Antony

HYDERABAD: Fr. Rufus Pereira, an internationally acclaimed exorcist appointed by the late Pope John Paul II, will conduct the Healing and Deliverance Convention Hyderabad-2009 at the Holy Family Church grounds, Trimulgherry from March 17 to 22, from 5.30 p.m. onwards.

A member of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) Council, based in Vatican City, Rome, he has written two books, Jesus Today and God is Love, which have been translated into many languages. Fr. Rufus is Chief Editor of Charisindia, a national Catholic monthly published from New Delhi. A powerful orator, he’s invited often to conduct retreats in Europe and the United States. The scholarly prelate preaches frequently to bishops and archbishops, with a view to bring about change from the higher echelons of the church hierarchy. He holds a doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Pontifica Universita Urbaniana, Vatican City, Rome and is visiting professor to the Biblical Pastoral Institute at Nemi, Italy.

I wish to know what the Indian Secularists/Rationalists would say about this.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Importance of Precise Information and Feedback

Communication is not an easy matter. As we all know that communication is coloured by our bias, perception, culture, language, etc etc. Today the tools for communication have made such technological strides, that real time communication is a matter of fact. But alas, there is a distressing deterioration in the faculties of the communicator/listner that the whole effort becomes not only waste but counter-productive.

Today there is none without a cell phone. So you would expect good connectivity. But it is not so. I miss the days when a phone was a mere phone and nothing else. Today you try contacting someone, he is busy listening to music. More than the medium the promptness of response and content of message is more important and this is what is missing.

Again the habit of giving feedback is vanishing leading to presumptions and assumptions which more often than not go awry. Especially when there is a change in the plans.

Merely possessing a technological marvel is not enough. One (transmitter as well as listner) should possess common sense, empathy to others' feelings and needs, sense of context,capacity to go to the heart of the matter without missing essential details, brevity, without which communication is distorted.